
The Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences Blog

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My Museum Experience

08th March 2013 | 2 Comment(s) | The Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences

Past and present are co-related. We need to know about the past to make our present and future better. To know about the past and to feel it nothing is better than a museum.

My little museum journey was very interesting. The atmosphere was very harmonious and pleasant. It was inspirational and helped me think in a different manner. Linking rocks and fossils to a poetry in itself is a big challenge which opened up many closed windows of my mind. It made me realise that every rock had a story and every story had a reason, it requires an eye to see it. Some rocks appeared to me like safe vaults which stores secret treasures, thousands of years old. Surprisingly, the rocks and the stones were silent and still yet they were telling so much. My visit was like a conversation with these inanimate objects which animated the past before my eyes.

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As I left the museum  I felt more wiser and I felt more eager to come back again to this museum which though far, was now just a stone’s throw away from my heart.

Kruti Jethwa, student at Manor School

2 Comment(s)



08th March 2013

What a great post. I loved reading about the experience with the rocks. Funny, I’d always gone to the Sedgwick to look at the dinosaurs but I will now look at those rocks as well with new eyes! Did you see the upside-down statue buried outside the museum with only the feet visible? That’s great too. I also like your phrase at the end, with the ‘stone’s throw’ metaphor. Thanks! Will you be writing more museum visit reports??

Helen Taylor

11th March 2013

We’re glad you like the post! We are expecting more blogposts about museum visits from Manor School students very soon. In the meantime you might enjoy reading about the audience’s view of our poetry readings:

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Museums Collections + Poets